Sunday, May 31, 2009

Egg Cups

I think Egg Cups are adorable, especially with an egg in them...even cuter? Turning them into mini vases. Love, Love, Love. <3


  1. This is just beyond weird! I have had a slight obsession with egg cups since I was like around 3 years old! I remember being at my grandma's house and she was serving my great grandma breakfast on a tray. There was a hard boiled egg in an egg holder and I was fascinated with it.
    Years later, when I was grown, I was given one of those egg cups. In fact, the one I own may be that exact same cup! It's sitting in my hutch right now. I always wondered if anybody still made them. How funny that you should make a post about these!

  2. I swear, we are distant relatives!!!

  3. So so cute, and such a great idea!

  4. indeed, very cute! it would be fun to collect them and find different ones from different decades. too bad I collect to many things already, heh.

    have a good Monday!

    jess s//


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