Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Bonjour friends,
I have been super busy lately! I am working on a new set of watercolor pieces and I am also working on starting my own "green" maid business. Here is a preview of what is to come with my watercolor pieces! I'm excited about it!
Lilac Forest Watercolor
(Practice sheet)


Stephanie said...

The painting is very pretty.

PinkBow said...

oh these colours together are so gorgeous - this would make a lovely item of clothing i think!

Oliveaux said...

How exciting! Cannot wait to see more. Ax

PinkBow said...

i tagged you - check my blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica. Thanks for visiting my blog last week! Good luck with the green maid business idea - sounds interesting.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Fox :::.... said...

You posts are really intersting. I'm going to link you to my site as a blog I read. xoxo

Roy Keller said...

Hi greaat reading your post