Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Joana Vasconcelos

I have a new art love, Joana Vasconcelos. She is a Paris born artist, living and working in Lisbon, Portugal. Joana's feminine crochet drenced pieces are like candy to the eyes. I would love to have one of these pieces in my future home! http://www.joanavasconcelos.com/


  1. Very cool and very interesting!! Thanks for your visit to hill country house!

  2. The crochet on the bull is my favorite. Love these installations.

  3. These are so amazing i love your style, especially the one about the pots and pans shoes and the piano. They are all very exceptional.

  4. These are so amazing i love your style, especially the one about the pots and pans shoes and the piano. They are all very exceptional.

  5. These are so amazing i love your style, especially the one about the pots and pans shoes and the piano. They are all very exceptional.


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