Friday, December 10, 2010

I'm not engaged, but...

While my friend Holly and I were goofing around looking at dream wedding gowns, I found 4 of mine. From Lazaro's Spring 2010 collection. One word to descrive these masterpieces, Breathtaking. I would have a hard time choosing! Jason and I have a vision of a destination wedding, really intimate, not traditional in any maybe I will be able to afford the Lazaro price tag? A girl can dream! My day will come! :)

And I want her hair!


  1. The first two are my fav... absolutey beautiful!!

  2. I am still waiting for that announcement...

  3. I am absolutely obsessed with say "yes to the dress".( nor am I engaged.) You into the show at all??? I find myself camped out in the living watching seasons of it on end when chad is out and about :p

  4. Yes Heidi, I have seen every single episode! I got to the point where I was watching every episode a second time, hahahaha

  5. Ah, I am IN LOVE with the first dress!! So beautiful!!

  6. Wauw amazing dresses!
    Would you like to follow me?
    lovely blog!

  7. Gorgeous! You found stunning picks! I am a closet "yes to the dress" watcher from time to time and will have to catchup over the holidays!

    xo Mary Jo

  8. They are all beautiful dresses, even though I am not going to have a big wedding when my time comes, but a nice simple dress with that hair (the last pic) will do just fine.

    Thanks for visiting my page :-)

  9. amazing dresses x


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