Tuesday, June 9, 2009

5 Questions

Thanks to the lovely Carlotta-My Way, I have 5 fun questions to answer! Feel free to answer as well!
1) What topic would you write your book about?
2) What is one of your guilty pleasures?
3) What are some of the things you do to get yourself out of a bad mood?
4) How long do you think it will take to get the U.S. economy back on track?
5) Do you think there is a fine line between creepy and romantic?

1) If I were to write a book, it would probably be about Marie Antoinette, and what she would be like if she were around today. What
fashions she would wear, what her personality would be like, what her career would be and so forth! I have an obsession with European history, and I always wonder how these people of the past I admire would be today. What would they do with their free time? What would they be wearing? That would be my topic!

2) One of my guilty pleasures...taking mid-day naps. I wake up early to spend the morning with Jason before he leaves for the day, so I end up really tired after lunch time, and I usually curl up with my two cats and
a good movie and take a short nap, it's so refreshing! I can't wait fo
r monsoon season, rainy day naps are my favorite!

3) To get myself out of a bad mood, usually I take a hot bath, light some lavender incense and turn on some classic French songs (C'est magnifique, La Vie en Rose, etc) If that doesnt work, I water my flowers and trim them up, usually I can find a good one for my small vase. The simple things in life can make the bad feelings go away :)

4) My boyfriend is a genious (I hate to brag, but I admire him so much!) so he says he can see a "light at the end of the tunnel", and I believe that.

5) There is no similarity between creepy and romantic. As far as I'm concerned, creepy would be something like stalking...and stalking is not romantic. So how can the two be compared?


  1. very nice answers, love the maria antoniette topic it's somethng I'd love to read :))

  2. ah i love these! i too adore marie antoinette - sophia coppola's film was a visual treat. and a bit of french music always lifts my spirts too

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog and the nice comments! I'm also a huge fan of bubble baths! I really like your blog.

    To answer your question, yes I did go to Versailles and I did a series of posts on it last month in May. It was fantastic!



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