Monday, June 8, 2009

Traditional Silhouettes

I have been a big fan of traditional silhouettes since I was a kid, there is something obviously mysterious about them! Wikipedia says this, "A silhouette portrait can be painted or drawn. However, the traditional method of creating silhouette portraits is to cut them from lightweight black cardboard, and mount them on a pale (usually white) background. This was the work of specialist artists, often working out of booths at fairs or markets."
I think this calls for a new silhouette project this summer, stay tuned!


  1. Soo so cute! this is really inspiring. I think a project is definitely in order :)

  2. I love these silhouettes. I wish I knew how to make them!! gorgeous blog

  3. I love that necklace in the last picture! An artist made a silhouette of me when I was in nursery school... I should find out if my mom still has it.

  4. SO pretty! plus i love the peonies at the top of your page. lovely!!!

    ps - how wonderful that you knew about Faire Frou Frou! searching for beautiful lingerie can be a lot of fun! xoxo

  5. great post - i never tire of silhouettes! i LOVE that chair with the silhouette on the back :)

  6. I have been getting really excited about my own silhouette project!

  7. Googled "traditional silhouette" and your post came up!! How perfect! Love the lovely blog!


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