Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011: 5 Resolutions and Life Goals

1. Take Polaroid Pictures.
I find Polaroid pictures to be so charming. I often see things that would look great as a Polaroid, this year I would love to start experimenting with them!

2. Go on a European Vacation.
My last vacation was in March of 2009, and both Jason and I continually talk about the next time we will be able to travel again, where we will go and what we will do. I have a feeling this year we will finally be able to go again! Amsterdam is for sure on our list (We loved it so much, it felt like home!) But other than Amsterdam, we are thinking of another place to visit for part of the trip. To be continued...

3. Spend more time outdoors.
I live in a state with many beautiful qualities, unfortunately I never find the time to leave the ugly, boring valley. This year, I would love to venture out more. Spend time in Sedona, see the Grand Canyon, go on Hikes, etc!

4. Live a Mediterranean Lifestyle.
I have an obsession with the Mediterranean villages of Europe. Their way of living is beautiful. They eat the freshest ingredients, they savor each bite they take, they see eating as a way of getting together with friends and family and enjoying the flavors of life! This year, it is my goal to incorporate this into Jason and I's life.

5. Read.
To me, reading is more than just a way to relax. It improves your vocabulary, memory and opens your imagination. With my busy schedule, I have pushed it aside, but this year I vow to no longer neglect it!


  1. your blog is so pretty and i love your resolutions, good luck with them!
    im throwing a giveaway on my blog if you'd like to participate dear :)

  2. Great resolutions! Traveling more is always one of mine too :-)

  3. Wonderful resolutions!! I really like the layout of your blog. I definitely need to take a vacation! I think 2009 was the last time I had one also. Thanks for your comment!!

    Kirstin Marie

  4. Such great goals!! I love the first picture :D

  5. great goals! I would love to travel more as well. :)

  6. I know! I just wish traveling was cheap :)

  7. thx for your comment in my blog... you have a nice photos...


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