Thursday, January 6, 2011

Rembrandt's Treasures

One of my favorite places in Amsterdam is Rembrandts home, which is in beautiful condition and adorned with decorations almost identical to those Rembrandt had before he went bankrupt!
Rembrandt saw and fell in love with a magnificent four-story home on the Jodenbreestraat. He purchased it on credit, incurring a heavy and continuing debt, and several years later discovered that the citizens of Amsterdam were no longer purchasing his paintings and in the end, his expensive house soon placed him in bankruptcy.  One of my favorite rooms was the room which held things he collected through his lifetime (swords, sculptures, seashells, coral, etc) I would love to incorporate this into my home some day.

An image of his collection

Vintage wood knick knack shelf for tiny treasures


  1. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your pictures. It looks like a great place to visit when, someday, I go to Amsterdam.
    I particularly like the coral and starfish...natural decor is so pretty.

    I love your blog, by the way. I'm so happy I found it :)


  2. Thank you Adirenne! I love yours as well!

  3. I love these photos. I'm studying abroad in Europe soon, so I'll have to add this of my list of things to see. Your blog is so interesting, thanks for commenting so I could discover it!

    Stolen Stiletto

  4. Hi Kassie! Thanks for stopping by, I'm envious you get to study abroad! How exciting, where and what will you be studying?


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